Sunday 28 April 2013

Who do you talk to?

Do you have people in your life that you can confide in, discuss things with or even to check in with at the end of your day?
As a counsellor I have the privilege of hearing things from my clients that they are unable to share with anyone else, but it is not always deep emotional stuff. Sometimes people are just stuck with an issue that they cannot see a solution to. It might be deciding what job to takes to or how to handle an ex-partner.
When you are a single parent especially you do not always have another stable adult who is close enough to your situation to help you with decisions in your life.
It is so important to talk though.
When we verbalise our problems to someone else two things happen:

1) As we hear ourselves tell the story of our problem it can sometimes sound different to what it seemed to be in our head. A solution may suddenly seem obvious, or something we were worried about may seem a little less awful.

2) We have an audience! It is so helpful to bounce ideas off other people. They can often have different ideas that we may not have ever thought of, point out issues that we had not been aware of, or even give us a wake up call if we are on the wrong track.

So I would encourage all of you to find a way to share your thoughts with someone, maybe a friend, a certain family member, a safe online forum or an affordable counsellor. I have been a client myself and know first hand the benefit of talking through your stuff. If you have no-one else then leave me a message here :)

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